Why is My Dog Coughing?

Just like humans, your dog can have breathing problems too, such as dog bronchitis, also known as canine asthma and more, which impact their lives. And like humans, the correct medication and treatment plan can help them make the most of their lives as part of your family. The first step in this journey is to properly identify your dog’s symptoms and investigate what may be triggering your dog’s cough.

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Dog with lung illustration

Living with asthma or bronchitis shouldn’t mean a lifetime of side effects


Canine bronchitis often impacts dogs in their prime. This can lead to a lifetime of treatments that affect their quality of life. While there is no “cure” for asthma or chronic bronchitis in dogs, you can treat and manage your dog’s symptoms to make sure they live the best life possible. Through a combination of veterinarian-prescribed medications, diet and environmental modification, your dog can be healthy.

Inhaled medications are an important part of managing canine bronchitis and have fewer side effects than oral medications.

TreatmentsMore on Side-effects

Side effects of chronic oral steroid use may include:

  • Increased thirst and loss of bladder control
  • Lethargy and no energy to play
  • Immune suppression and increased risk of urinary tract infections (UTIs) and bacterial and fungal infections
  • Behavioural changes, including aggression
  • Diabetes
  • Weight gain
  • Vomiting and diarrhea
  • Ulceration of the digestive tract
  • Cushing’s disease

Dog using the AeroDawg*

How the AeroDawg* Chamber Helps

Designed specifically for dogs, the AeroDawg* Chamber helps deliver inhaled medications directly to the lungs for effective results using lower doses of drugs with fewer side effects. There are many tips and tricks to help you train your dog to take their inhaler medication easily. AeroDawg* Chamber and dog inhaler medications can be an important part of your dog’s treatment, while helping strengthen your bond.

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illustration on how to use AeroDawg*

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The AeroDawg chambers help deliver inhaled medications prescribed by your veterinarian, directly to the lungs for effective results using lower doses of drugs with fewer side effects.

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dog paw prints

AeroDawg* chamberExclusive Flow-Vu* indicatorempty

icon: paw printSpecifically designed for animals
Icon: Lung with medicationMakes every puff count
Icon: maple leafMade in Canada

(with Canadian and USA parts)

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We would love to hear from you. If you have questions or comments about one of our chambers, please reach out to us today.

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