Teach Any Cat AeroKat* - 4: Extending the Duration
This video on teaching your cat to hold their nose in the AeroKat* chamber and Extending the Duration for the full treatment is part of our Teach Any Cat AeroKat* video series.
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* - 5: Inhaling the Medication
This video on teaching your cat to be comfortable with Inhaling the Medication through the AeroKat* chamber is part of our Teach Any Cat AeroKat* video series.
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* - 2: Building Confidence
This video on introducing the chamber to your cat and Building Confidence with the AeroKat* chamber is part of our Teach Any Cat AeroKat* video series.
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* - 3: Applying the Mask
This video on Applying the Mask and teaching your cat to voluntarily place their nose in the AeroKat* chamber is part of our Teach Any Cat AeroKat* video series.
Teach Any Cat AeroKat* - 1: Creating Comfort
This video on Creating Comfort with the AeroKat* chamber is part of our Teach Any Cat AeroKat* video series.
AeroMask and AeroHippus Chamber - Canadian Innovations Help Horses with Asthma
A diagnosis of asthma used to mean retirement for performance horses, or in some cases, euthanasia. But with advancements in research, good management, and the development of products that help heavy coughing horses perform, now many riders can keep their wheezing horses comfortable and extend their lives.
Allergic Rhinitis in Dogs
Allergic Rhinitis is one of the most common upper respiratory tract malfunctions in dogs1. The name means an inflammation of the nose, where the mucous membranes of the nose or damage to the nasal mucous membranes have occurred. If you break it down “rhin” refers to the nose and “itis” refers to an inflammation.
Respiratory Illnesses In Dogs
Respiratory issues are not only experienced by humans—dogs can also experience a range of breathing problems and respiratory illnesses. These respiratory problems can be troubling to dog owners, so it is important to be knowledgeable and understand how to spot symptoms of respiratory illness, how to treat it or manage it, and how to prevent it.
What Is Dog Flu: Signs & Symptoms, And How To Treat It
Can Dogs Get The Flu?
The answer is yes, but canine influenza is different than human influenza. Although the symptoms can look similar, the influenza viruses that cause the infections are completely different strains.
Why Is My Dog Breathing Heavy?
Heavy breathing in dogs and puppies is characterized by rapid, laboured, or struggled breaths. Although this is a normal response if your dog has been playing or is trying to cool down, there are some situations where it can be concerning.
How To Give A Dog An Inhaler
Just as inhaled medication is used to treat respiratory disease (like asthma) in humans, inhaled medication is used to treat respiratory disease in dogs.
Although it may seem difficult to give an inhaler to a dog, administering these medications is simple if you have the right equipment and a little bit of patience!
Why Is My Dog Wheezing?
Wheezing in dogs occurs when something impairs or blocks the flow of air in the windpipe, causing stridor (a whistling sound). This can be caused by swelling and inflammation in the airways, something getting stuck in the windpipe, or a number of medical issues.1
Side Effects Of Systemic Steroids In Dogs
Systemic steroids are a common prescription for dogs, used to treat certain conditions like allergies and autoimmune diseases. For dogs with bronchitis or other respiratory diseases, corticosteroids are used for daily disease management.
Bronchodilator Medications For Cats: What They Are, Types Available, And Why Inhaled Medication Is Preferred
This article is part of our Cat Asthma series.
Download the Full Guide to Cat Asthma